Course Presenters – Terms and Conditions

Presenters – Terms and Conditions

 This document details the obligations and expectations of presenters. It is required that all presenters read and agree with these terms and conditions before creating or delivering any courses on this site.

The following items relate to all course formats:

  •  Feedback

The presenter’s primary objective is to create an exceptional course for teachers, and parents aiming to meet their needs and expectations. Typically, participants express satisfaction and provide positive feedback. However, if a course receives poor feedback, we may initiate contact with the presenter to address these concerns. In rare cases where we determine that a presenter is unsuitable to create further courses, the presenter may be deregistered. If we determine that any course should not continue to be offered, then the course will be removed from the catalogue. ReMynd is the sole arbiter in these situations.

  • Professionalism of presenters
  1. Language – Presenters should conduct themselves in a professional manner. This means that swearing and inappropriate language are not acceptable.
  2. Drugs/alcohol – No presenter is ever permitted to be under the influence of illicit drugs or alcohol whilst running a live ‘Webinar.’ Any presenter found in breach will be deregistered as a presenter.
  3. Promptness – For live ‘Webinars,’ presenters should meet with the Host with adequate time to prepare before the start time.
  4. Dress code – smart, professional, and appropriate to the course being
  • Promotions during courses

If you would like to use a course as an opportunity to promote or sell any product or service, then you must have this approved in writing by prior to the course. This includes use of any sponsored materials, displays at the course, or references to suppliers, products, or events in handout notes in online lessons or in course slides in a live webinar. This also includes offering your services as a consultant. We will often approve promotional materials, but it must be considered in advance.

  • Intellectual Property (IP) ownership

Presenters must own the intellectual property, or have permission for its use, for all materials that form their course content. Presenters will retain ownership of the IP related to any course that they develop to run on this site. If ReMynd is involved in the creation, development, filming and production of online courses, then ReMynd will retain an exclusive right to distribution of those materials.

  • Pricing

 ReMynd will determine course prices.

  • Course approval

 Presenters will submit a course for approval before it can be published.

  • How is the presenter’s fee calculated?

ReMynd will retain 30% of the purchase price of a course as fees for marketing, platform maintenance, and course development support. The presenter will receive 80% and ReMynd 20% of the balance.

Delivery requirements according to course format

 ‘Online Self-Paced’

 Courses are delivered in a self-paced, on-demand style. Teachers can complete the courses at any time. There is no discussion, submission, or assessment in the courses. The activities completed by the participants will mostly be self-reflection opportunities or simple self-marking quizzes.

Content creation for a new ‘Online Self-Paced’ course

 There are a few ways that new online course content can be created. These include:

  1. Already Built Online Course – ReMynd will work with the presenter to have their course copied onto the platform.
  2. Presenter- Created Content – In this scenario, the presenter will already have course materials, or will create them to use as the course content. This could include video content, screen casting, animation, text, slide decks, images, etc.
  3. Course build – This is the process of taking the course content and turning it into a course on our platform.

In these cases where ReMynd has contributed to the course production via filming and editing of content, ReMynd will retain the right to offer the course for at least 2 years from the date of the live event.

‘Live ‘Webinar’

  • Course facilitation

‘Webinar’ ReMynd will provide a facilitator/host.

  • Filming

 The ‘webinar’ will initially run live and be recorded. After the live event, ReMynd will decide if the recorded version will be made into an ‘Online Self-Paced’ course. The recorded version will be made available as an ‘Online Self-Paced’ course for future participants.

  • Branding

 The slides in a ‘Webinar’ should include the ReMynd logo. It is fine if the presenter’s logo appears as well, but they should both be equally prominent. This is necessary as ReMynd is the recognized provider of the course.

Presenter payment schedule

  •  Minimum Withdrawal Amount

Presenters should earn equal or above $80 to make a withdraw request.

  •  Minimum Days Before Balance is Available

Any income has to remain 14 days in the platform before it is available for withdrawal to cover any possibility of request for a refund.

  • Enable Withdraw Method

Presenters can withdraw money from the website via:

  • Bank Transfer (Contact us for bank account information:
  • E-Check
  • PayPal (Chinese customers may use PayPal China to purchase courses)

‘Live Webinar’

 A presenter fee will be paid on completion of the ‘Webinar.’ This fee will be negotiated on a case- by-case basis.

ReMynd retains the right to cancel the ‘Webinar’ if we do not achieve minimum numbers – in this case there will be no payment to the presenter.

Online Self-Paced – Team Enrollment’

 Any ‘Online Self-Paced’ course can be purchased for a team of teachers at one school. Schools purchasing this way generally pay a negotiated fixed rate of for the course.

Production costs shared when filming ‘Live Webinars’

  •  When a ‘Webinar’ is filmed to produce an ‘Online Self-Paced’ course, the presenter will share the production costs with reMynd.
  • How it works:
  1. ‘Live Webinar’ event
    1. The presenter receives the agreed upfront payment
    2. If the presenter wants to continue earning from the course, ReMynd will produce the ‘Webinar’ into an ‘Online Self- Paced’ course for a production cost of $100. This can  be deducted from presenter’s webinar payment.
    3. The presenter will then commence earning further revenue according to the Presenter Payment Schedule for ‘Online Self-Paced’ courses (see above).
    4. If the presenter does not want to continue earning from the course, ReMynd will produce the ‘Webinar’ into an ‘Online Self- Paced’ course with no deduction from the presenter’s webinar payment. 
    5. The presenter will  not be eligible to earn any further revenue form the resulting ‘Online Self-Paced’ course.


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